23rd May 09
Hi to those who read my blog.
Marriage is like an umbrella. Rain or shine it will be showered with love and care from ur love one.
Start my next journey with dear since Sept 07.
Dating on the 9th Aug 06, Proposed on the 25th Dec 06, ROM on the 29th Sept 07 and finally Wedding ceremony on the 15th Mar 08.
Recalled many things that happened for the past yrs and realised that marriage is not a playgame and it needs both parties to learn how to maintain a good marriage and lots of gives in, love and corncern to withstand any obsticles in life.
On 15th Feb 08 -
During our preparation of wedding, I was pregnant. So excited and delighted, i broke the news to dear and our parents and it was a great news to everyone. And this happened about 4 weeks before our actual wedding.
On 23rd Feb 08-
At that time i was still staying with my parents and when i was prepared to go to work as usual, i encountered heavy bleeding and i was shocked. It was definately a bad sign if there was bleeding during pregnancy. I told mum about it and she asked me to rush down to hospital immediately. I had to call Cheryl for help to covered my work duties while i rushed down to work place to settle some issues first. I told my boss about it and he suggested that i must go down to KK immediately. Informed dear n he rushed down to my workplace to bring me to KK. Mil was there as she worked as a nurse manager and she brought us to the A & E dept. Did a urine test to confirm my pregnancy again and waited to be seen by the doctor. Waited for about 10 mins and it was my turn and a female dr ( whom i cant remember her name ) told me that i was indeed pregnant based on my test kit but it was definately not a good sign of bleeding. She did a ultrasound scan for me and was kind of shocked expression when she mentioned that she couldnt find any embryo in my womb. She did a HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (HCG) blood test for to see how was the pregnancy doing. And she said she would give me a medication to stop my bleeding but she did mentioned that if bleeding still persist despite taking the medication, i need to go back to them again for further investigation. After discharge me, went back home while waitng for them to call n informed me about my blood test results. Bleeding had stopped after taking the medication. About 5pm they called and informed that my blood test result is not what they expected. I had a low HCG which did not fit into my weeks of pregnancy. By than the level should be more than thousands unit. Although my bleeding had stopped after the medication, but the dr did suggested that i need to go bk to them for further investigations due to my low blood level result.
*6 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 1080 TO 56500 MLU/ML
*7 - 8 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 7650 TO 229000 MLU/ML
*9 - 12 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 25700 TO 288000 MLU/ML
*13 - 16 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 13300 TO 254000 MLU/ML
*17 - 24 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 4060 TO 165400 MLU/ML
*25 - 40 WEEKS SINCE LMP : 3640 TO 11700 MLU/ML
On 24th Feb 08 -
Bleeding started again in the morning and i rushed down to KK again with dear. Seen by another male dr, he did a more thorough scan for me and still unable to find the embryo and he suspected that i had etopic pregnancy. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectopic_pregnancy )
Both of us got a shocked!! Speechless.... So the dr advised me to be warded immediately as they will need to do more further scans and blood tests. Gosh.... no other choices i had to be admitted. Once admitted, dear informed our parents about the bad news and they came to visit me in the evening.
On 25th Feb 08 -
Informed some of my friends about the bad news but i told them not to visit me. Dear brought me laptop to accompany me in case im bored. So nice of him. Cousin Sihui got the news and she came to visit me in the afternoon with lots of cookies n dougnuts haha... thanks... Did blood test again and finally did a ultrasound to confirm the results. In the evening, dr broke the news to me and dear that after all the investiagtions, it was confirmed that i had an etopic pregnancy. I broke down immediately. So devasted. The only suggestion was to have an surgial operation to remove the foetus which was located in my right fallopian tube.
On 27th Feb 08 -
Samantha came with her two kids to visit me and so touched by her support n console.
At 9pm, the nurse came over and informed that i must get ready for the operation. And dear requested to stay back until the ops had been done.
At 10pm, i was ready to be pushed into the OT and there were 5 surgeons who did the ops. It lasted about 3 hour and when it was done it was past midnight. I was pushed out of the ward in a semi-consious state and my first side effect of the anathesic when it wears off was my throat was very painful and thirsty but i was not allow to drink or eat. I just had to bear with it till the next morning.
On 28th Feb 08 -
Happy Birthday to Apple. I woke up in a great pain becos of the wound. But i try to bear wih it without taking any medications. After breakfast, the doctor-in-charge came over to checked on me. Saying that so far was ok and i will be discharge in the afternoon and was given 3 months of MC. And i realised i had lose 10kg after the ops. Dear came to fetch me home in the afternoon and the dr did mention that in future if im conceiving again, i need to be extra careful as i may have the chance of getting etopic again. And so she told me that i need to rest for about 6 to 9 months for the wound to be completely healed before conceiving again.
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